Tips For Any Water Well Drilling Project

16 April 2019
 Categories: Business, Blog

Having a water well drilling services company assist you with a project can make the whole process easier. There are, however, a few things you can do to make the job go more smoothly, too.

Identifying Sources of Water

Before a drill ever goes into the ground, the simple question of where to look for water has to be addressed. Performing a search of land titles, state data, non-profit assessments and even corporate data will give you a leg up on this process. Most drillers can make fairly informed guesses about where there's likely to be water on a property once they've seen what the geology under it looks like.

Notably, water well drilling always carries with it an element of luck. You may need to keep drilling in a spot longer than you might anticipate to strike water. There will also be a question of whether to pull up stakes and try in a different spot if work goes on too long without yielding results.

Eureka! You've Found Water

Don't get too excited just yet. You're now going to deal with two more issues.

First, you will need to map the exact location and depth of the water strike. This information then needs to be fed back into the state registry you used earlier to find the water. The actual source of the water needs to be mapped in order to ensure you're not draining a neighbor's supply or posing an ecological threat. If the water does belong to a source already mapped to a neighbor's property, you may still be able to contract for an easement.

The second issue will be assessing the quality of the water you've discovered. Take the time to check your state's website and the one for the EPA to learn about water quality standards. Even if the water is intended for industrial or agricultural use, it's wise to have it thoroughly tested to ensure it doesn't have the potential to be reactive.

Putting in a Well

Getting sufficient water from your well will be the biggest concern once you've established the water is usable. Modern configurations require cement casings and caps to be installed to provide a seal and access to components. There will also need to be a gravel pack installed to protect any pumps that are set up to provide water pressure. Finally, an above-ground tank will be added to ensure stable output.
